Thursday 28 August 2014


Gerakan Hamas mengumumkan kemenangannya ke atas Israel susulan pengumuman genjata senjata dan kesepakatan dalam perundingan di Mesir, Selasa lepas.
“Berkat kemuliaan Allah, pengorbanan rakyat, dan kegigihan gerakan penentangan, terutama Briged Izzudin Al-Qassam dan gerakan lain, hari ini kita menyatakan kemenangan kita atas kekuatan jahat Israel,” kata jurucakap Hamas, Sami Abu Zuhri ketika menyambut pengumuman genjatan senjata itu, lapor Al Jazeera.
“Kita boleh meraih kemenangan yang selama ini belum dapat diraih pasukan negara-negara Arab. Hari ini, rakyat Palestin yang terkepung dan lemah boleh menang ke atas kekuatan jahat Israel. Kita dapat menghancurkan pasukan yang katanya tidak pernah kalah,” katanya.
Sehubungan itu, Hamas juga mengizinkan penduduk Yahudi untuk meninggalkan tempat persembunyian dan kembali ke rumah mereka.
“Sekarang kami izinkan penduduk Yahudi, terutama yang berada di sekitar Tebing Gaza untuk kembali ke rumah mereka. Itu adalah izin Hamas, bukan daripada perdana menteri Netanyahu,” katanya.
Seorang lagi jurucakap Hamas, Fauzi Barhum, berkata:“Kemenangan ini membuktikan hanya penyelesaian perlawanan dan senjata yang dapat memerdekakan Palestin. Perang ini tidak akan menjadi yang terakhir. Ini hanya satu pusingan daripada perang panjang membebaskan Masjidil Aqsa.”
Terdahulu, pemerintah kudeta Mesir yang menjadi orang tengah perundingan damai Gaza-Israel mengumumkan tercapainya kesepakatan damai antara Gaza dan Israel.
Kesepakatan itu bermula jam 7 malam waktu tempatan, Selasa dan gencatan senjata itu akan berlaku untuk jangka waktu yang panjang.
Di Ramallah, Presiden Palestin Mahmud Abbas berkata delegasi Palestin bersetuju dengan kesepakatan gencatan senjata di Gaza.
Sementara itu, delegasi Hamas dalam perundingan, Musa Abu Marzuq berkata rundingan yang berjaya memperoleh kesepakatan adalah kemenangan yang akan disematkan kepada seluruh rakyat Palestin.
Beberapa sumber dalam pemerintahan Palestin, seperti dilaporkan Aljazeera berkata antara yang dipersetujui ialah pintu sempadan dibuka, Tebing Gaza dibangunkan dan bantuan kemanusiaan dibenarkan masuk secepat mungkin.
Sementara itu, Reuters melaporkan, persetujuan gencatan senjata di antara Palestin dan Israel bagi menamatkan pergolakan berdarah di Gaza yang memasuki hari ke-50 kelmarin disambut dengan penuh rasa kesyukuran dan gembira penduduk di wilayah ini.
Penduduk Palestin meraikan persetujuan tersebut dengan berkumpul dan berarak di jalan-jalan raya sambil membunyikan hon kenderaan masing-masing, selain corong pembesar suara di masjid turut memainkan lagu yang memuji kebesaran Allah.
"Perasaan saya ketika ini bercampur baur. Kami terluka setelah berlakunya banyak kematian, tetapi kami juga bangga kerana kami walaupun berperang secara bersendirian, tetapi perpaduan kami masih lagi kekal utuh," kata seorang penduduk Gaza yang dikenali sebagai Ahmed Awf.
Bagaimanapun, Israel yang enggan memberi maklum balas lanjut berkenaan persetujuan itu berkata, jika persetujuan itu dihormati, usaha membawa masuk bantuan makanan, perubatan dan bahan binaan bagi membangunkan semula Gaza akan berjalan dengan lancar.
"Israel tidak mempunyai sebarang masalah dengan penduduk awam yang menyatakan sokongan mereka ke atas Gaza, tetapi kami tidak mahu melihat Hamas membina semula kekuatan ketenteraan mereka," kata jurucakap Perdana Menteri Benjamin Netanyahu, Mark Regev.
Israel berpendapat pergerakan Hamas kini sedang mengalami tamparan hebat selepas beberapa pemimpin sayap ketenteraan mereka terbunuh, selain terowong bawah tanah yang menghubungkan mereka dengan kawasan sempadan Israel dimusnahkan.
Jurucakap Jabatan Negara Amerika Syarikat (AS) Jen Psaki berkata, pihaknya menggesa kedua-dua belah pihak mematuhi syarat perjanjian yang ditetapkan bagi memastikan gencatan senjata berkenaan 'bersifat kekal dan berterusan'.
"Kami melihat perkara ini sebagai satu peluang, bukan kepastian. Perjalanan masih panjang dan kita harus sentiasa menyedari akan perkara ini. Kita akan tangani masalah ini secara terbuka," kata Psaki.

Obsessive selfie-taking classified as a mental disorder'

In this seasons many people make a "selfie" as a daily routine. Now i want just to share with you all some story about selfie.They had a very specific definition claiming  selfitis was  ‘the obsessive compulsive desire to take photos of one’s self and post them on social media as a way to make up for the lack of self-esteem and to fill a gap in intimacy’. They also said that the APA had decided to classify the disease into three levels:

Borderline selfitis : Taking photos of one’s self at least three times a day but not posting them on social media.

Acute selfitis: Taking photos of one’s self at least three times a day and posting each of the photos on social media.

Chronic selfitis: Uncontrollable urge to take photos of one’s self  round-the-clock and posting the photos on social media more than six times a day 

What really convinced that it might be a disorder was a recent case in the UK. While selfies might be harmless for most people, it proved near fatal for British teen Danny Bowman who spent up to 10 hours a day taking photos trying to capture the perfect selfie, and failing to do so tried to commit suicide, according to the Daily Mirror.  His condition became so debilitating that he dropped out of school and remained homebound for six months.  ‘I was constantly in search of taking the perfect selfie and when I realized I couldn’t I wanted to die,’ Bowman told the Daily Mirror. ‘I lost my friends, my education, my health and almost my life.’ The youngster subsequently was treated.

Wednesday 27 August 2014



Most of the computer viruses written in the early and mid 1980s were limited to self-reproduction and had no specific damage routine built into the code. That changed when more and more programmers became acquainted with virus programming and created viruses that manipulated or even destroyed data on infected computers.

There are competing claims for the innovator of the first antivirus product. Possibly the first publicly documented removal of a computer virus in the wild was performed by Bernd Fix in 1987. There were also two antivirus applications for the Atari ST platform developed in 1987. The first one was G Data  and second was UVK 2000.

Fred Cohen, who published one of the first academic papers on computer viruses in 1984,began to develop strategies for antivirus software in 1988 that were picked up and continued by later antivirus software developers. In 1987, he published a demonstration that there is no algorithm that can perfectly detect all possible viruses.


This space have a several different companies that build and offer antivirus software and what each offers can vary but all perform some basic functions :

- Scan specific files or directories for any malware or known malicious patterns.
-Allow you to schedule scans to automatically run for you.
-Allow you to initiate a scan of a specific file or off your computer or off a CD or flash drive at any time.
-Remove any malicious code detected , sometimes you will be notified of an infection and asked if you want to clean the file, other programs will automatically do this behind the scenes.
- Always be sure have the best,  up to date security software installed to protect your computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones.


Did you know what are antivirus?

Antivirus software is program or set of programs that are designed to prevent,  search for,  detect,  and remove software viruses,.and other malicious software like worms,  trojans , adware,  and more.  These tools are critical for users to have installed and up to date because a computer without antivirus software installed will be infected within minutes of connecting to the internet.  For your opinion the bombardment is constant,  with anti virus companies update their detection tools constantly to deal with the more than 60,000 new pieces of malware created daily. 


HTML does not require its documents to possess any particular form, a feature useful in the Internet's early days when users first learned how to code in HTML. A Web browser could simply ignore code it didn't understand. While HTML possesses an exact set of commands, a programmer doesn't have to write those commands in a structured way for the resulting Web page to still work. This clutter eventually became problematic, and the need for precise structure arose.

HTML provides instructions for a wide variety of aspects, including markup, or features of how the Web page will appear to a viewer. For a website coded entirely with HTML, any time a webmaster wants to change the general appearance of his Web site, he must edit the HTML markup code on each individual page to achieve the desired effect, even if the content of his site didn't change at all. Therefore, the inability to separate content from markup has become a difficult problem for HTML.

The last version of HTML, 4.01, has transitioned to a newer code called XHTML, short for extensible hypertext markup language. XHTML overcomes the disadvantages of HTML, with its ability to separate markup from content, its strict guidelines on form and structure and its extensibility, meaning developers can add new commands and tags to the existing framework. While XHTML will strive to remain backward compatible with HTML, HTML remains at a disadvantage to this new, more flexible programming code.

Tuesday 26 August 2014


In spite of all the advantages of using HTML :

  • First you need to do while conceptualizing a website is to define what exactly your website should do. Are you looking for a website that provides information about your business or are you looking for ecommerce functionality ? Is your website essentially going to contain marketing and company information or will it be more news like a where content is added every few hours or days ? Should your website mainly disseminate information to visitors or do you need your visitors to interact ?
  • The operative word in defining your website functionality is "need" . It is easy to conceptualize an extremely high end website with a wish list of features and functionality, but is it essential for your small or growing business? In most cases, business websites do not need advanced functionality, that would justify the need for programming technologies or content management system, given the extra cost of development.
  • Aesthetically , an HTML website can look just as appealing as a website using the more advanced technologies . It easy to be swayed by the desire to be " up with line " . However , getting yourself a well made HTML website may be wiser and more progressive decision for your business than getting a high-tech website.

Monday 25 August 2014


Hye hye hye ! See again . Now i want to sharing sharing with you alls what are Hypertext Markup Language or the nickname we called HTML. what are i had learn about HTML is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted in a file intended for display on a World Wide Web browser page .Other than that,  what I know the markup tells the web browser how the markup tells the web browser how to display a web pages words and images for the user. In addition each individual markup code it is reach individual markup code is referred to as an element but many people also refer to it as a tag. Some elements come in pairs that indicate when some display effect is to begin and when it is to end.


For the last one , i want to sharing with you all where are name "Bluetooth" comes. From my opinion the bluetooth name come from the 10th century is Danish king Harald Blatand or the name is Harold Bluetooth in english. Other than that , what are i know the King Blatand is helped unite warring factions in part of what are now Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Similary , bluetooth technology was created as an open standard to allow connectivity to allow connectivity and collaboration . At daa last , some of user didn't know Bluetooth technology are different from other radio technology it's it?  Well mobile phones, fm radio and television all use radio waves to send information wireslessly. In addicted Bluetooth technology also uses radio waves,  it transmit them over a shorter distance. So it's easy to said,  for whom are use smart phone or any device they are of course will know what are Bluetooth and how to use it. There are some information or history about Bluetooth that I can share with you all.  Bye bye bye!


Actually,  maybe all of user smart phone know what is function of Bluetooth.  Bluetooth Is can make each other talk,  listening music,  Sent vital information and much more. In other words bluetooth wireless technology is built into billions of products, from cars and mobile phones to medical devices and computers and even forks and toothbrushes. bluetooth technology also allows you to try voice , data , music , photos , videos , and other information wirelessly between paired.


Did you means what is Bluetooth?  This space I would to give a little bit about Bluetooth. Now technology is modern, so people want to get more easier just using a Bluetooth. All people know bluetooth is smart technology is a wireless communication systems intended to replace the cables connecting many types of device from mobile phones and headset to hear monitors and medical equipment. For you all want learn more about how the Bluetooth smart increase opportunities for developers to make consumers lives easier in this world. There are some intro that I can shrare with you all about Bluetooth. 


Salam perkenalan, salam 2014, salam kepada semua blogger yang mengenali diri ini. 20 tahun aku hidup ini pertama kalinya aku memegang account sebagai blogger. Konon nak macam orang lain jugak ada blog,  tapi sebenarnya terpaksa. Bukan apa aku ni bukan jenis suka mengarang ayat , dari bangku sekolah lagi sebab tu aku takda blog macam orang lain. Biar lah setakat aku kenalkan diri aku ni secara ringkas sahaja. Kepada yang sudah mengenali diri aku ni maaf lah kalau bahasa or cara aku cakap ni kasar or whatever lahh kan, aku memang macam ni
dah tak boleh ubah dah. Tak apa aku lebih suka jadi diri aku yang sebenar.. rasanya sampai sini saja yang aku boleh merapu meraban. Byee!